TorsionCrowds: Multi-Points Twist Stimulation Display for Large Part of the Body






これまで,複数の触覚提⽰素⼦が搭載されている分布型の触覚ディスプレイは空間的な感 覚提⽰を⽬的として振動素⼦が主に⽤いられてきた.本装置は振動とは異なり,⼒感覚を空間的に分布させることで提⽰可能な感覚を拡張している.
本研究はSIGGRAPH2020 Emerging Technologies に採択された他,Asia Digital Art Award エンターテインメント部 ⾨にて優秀賞を受賞した.




堀江 新, 下林 秀輝, ⿑藤 寛⼈, 稲⾒昌彦 ⽇本バーチャルリアリティ学会論⽂誌 Vol. 25, No. 4, 2020.
Humans perceive mechanical phenomena on the skin from the distribution of stimuli. In this paper, we propose TorsionCrowds, a novel tactile display that presents force stimulus distribution over a large area of the body. The system consists of multi-channel twist skin deformation modules and the passive mechanisms for fitting to the human body curve. By stimulating elements arrangement based on perceptual experiments, the user can perceive continuous force distribution in a large area of the body sharply with a high dynamic range of intensity. In the demonstration, the user can experience the force distribution from the system suitable for each scenario such as visual haptization, self-motion presentation, proprioception substitution.
  1. Arata Horie, Hideki Shimobayashi, and Masahiko Inami. 2020. TorsionCrowds: Multi-Points Twist Stimulation Display for Large Part of the Body. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Emerging Technologies (SIGGRAPH ’20), 1–2.